
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dried Apple Slices with Date Syrup

These are HANDS DOWN our favorite Dried Apple Slice Recipe !!!!!  We thought the Dried Cinnamon Apple Slices were REALLY good.....until we tried these dried apple slices with date syrup...  NOW... to us there is NO comparison....I made a batch of both kinds of dried apple slices.  All the ones with date syrup are gone, and most of the ones with cinnamon are still left !!!!   

My date syrup is thicker, so I actually added some water to make it thinner for dipping the apple slices in.

apples, sliced (about 1/4" thick slices)
date syrup 

Pour some date syrup into a bowl.  Place the apple slices (a few at a time) in the bowl and stir them around so all the apple slices are covered with the date syrup.

Put the sliced apple on the mesh sheets on dehydrator trays, in a single layer and so the slices do not overlap. 

If your dehydrator has a temperature control, set it to 135 degrees.   The average drying time is 5-10 hours.  The drying time is affected by the thickness of the slices, the humidity, the moisture content, how much is being dried.  So you will need to check every once in a while and see how they are drying.   

I have a Nesco-American Harvest Gardenmaster Dehydrator

so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,  to please Him in all respects, bearing good fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;
Colossians 1:10 (NASB)


  1. oooooooooooooooo sounds good :-) another snack to try in my new toy - the dehydrator ;-)

  2. Hi Sandy.... YES.... I think you would LOVE these!!!!!! SOOOOOOO glad you have started using your dehydrator !!!!! I'm sure you are hooked on it now !!!!!! These do make GREAT snacks !!!! - enjoy !!!! Denise


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