
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Caramel Overnight Oats (DF, GF)

I modified my recipe for Chocolate Coconut Overnight Oats  to come up with this recipe. 

This was SOOOO good.  I think this is my favorite overnight oats recipe.

1/2 cup oats 
1 tsp caramel extract (I use OliveNation)
1 tsp ground flaxseed
2 tsp Hershey's Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
2 to 3 Tbsp peanut butter (no sugar)
1 tsp chia seeds
3/4 to 1 cup water or unsweetened almond milk
2 Tbsp  Unsweetened Shredded Coconut  
3 dates, VERY finely chopped

Put all the ingredients into a jar with tight fitting lid and shake until well combined.  I use an "old" 16-oz glass peanut butter jar.  Then refrigerate overnight or for a few nights.  I had mine sit in the fridge for 4 nights and it was delicious the morning I ate it for breakfast. 

Warm up in the microwave for about 90 seconds or eat cold.

Estimated Nutritional Value per serving based on 1 serving:  Calories 554,  Total Fat  30.8g, Cholesterol 0mg,  Sodium  335mg, Carbs  60g, Fiber  13g, Sugars  19.9g, Protein 17.3g

Strengthen yourselves so that you will live here on earth doing what God wants,  not the evil things people want.
 Peter 4:2 (NCV)


  1. Oh I so wish we could get caramel extract here to make these!

    1. Hey Sandy !!! Can you find it on the internet over there ?? I do REALLY love the caramel extract in the overnight oats ... MUCH more than I thought I would !!!!!! - Denise


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